Friday, December 10, 2010


The main idea concerning The Pygmalion Effect is that if you believe that someone is capable of achieving greatness, then that person will indeed achieve greatness. In other words, believing in potential simply creates potential. The Pygmalion Effect may occur all around us whether it be in the workforce, at schools or even at home. If for instance, you tell a new teacher at a grammar school - whom has no previous experience with her new to be students-that a particular young student of hers is extremely bright and clever, the new teacher will automatically be more supportive, more encouraging, teach more challenging material, be patient and allow that student more time to answer questions, and provide extra feedback to that student. The student receiving all this attention and absorbing in the teacher's belief learns more and is as a result, better in school. Whether the child is bright or not before hand does not necessarily matter. The main concern is that this new teacher entirely believes that this student is bright and clever. This is also the case for managers and workers.

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